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2010Integration of statistics and food process engineering: Assessing the uncertainty of thermal processing and shelf-life estimationsTorres, J. A.; Chotyakul, N.; Velazquez, G.; Saraiva, J. A.; Lamela, C. PérezconferenceObjectopenAccess
2011Enhancement of rate and extension of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose by high pressure pre-treatmentsFerreira, A. R. F. C.; Figueiredo, A. B.; Evtuguin, D. V.; Saraiva, J. A.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2010Estudo da estabilidade térmica e bárica da levedura Pichia stipitisAlmeida, H. F. D.; Saraiva, J. M. A.; Calado, António J. B. F. M.; Xavier, Ana M. R. B.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2004Stability studies of pectin methylesterase from Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum)Castro, S. M.; Van Loey, A.; Saraiva, J.; Smout, C.; Hendrickx, M.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2003Thermal Inactivation kinetics of horseradish peroxidase in phosphate buffer and water-miscible organic solvent mixturesMachado, M. F.; Saraiva, J.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2010Thermal inactivation of Byssochlamys nivea in pineapple nectar combined with preliminary high pressure treatmentsFerreira, E. H. R.; Rosenthal, A.; Calado, V.; Saraiva, J.; Mendo, S.; Massaguer, P. R.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2003Thermal inactivation of pectin methylesterase from peppers (Capsicum annum)Castro, S. M.; Van Loey, A.; Saraiva, J.; Smout, C.; Hendrickx, M.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2005Modelling the kinetics of thermal inactivation of apple polyphenoloxidaseMachado, M. F.; Saraiva, J.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2010Conteúdo em flavonóides e fenóis totais e actividade antioxidante de extractos de lúpulo obtidos sob alta pressãoMelo, M. N.; Costa, D. D.; Santos, M. C.; Oliveira, V.; Saraiva, J. A.; Cunha, Â.; Almeida, A.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2005Headspace solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography as a simple and clean methodology for determination of methylesterification and acetylation of polysaccharidesNunes, C.; Rocha, S. M.; Saraiva, J.; Coimbra, M. A.conferenceObjectopenAccess
Resultados 1-10 de 278.