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Title: Comparative efficiency analysis of different nonlinear modelling strategies to simulate the biaxial response of RC columns
Author: Rodrigues, H.
Varum, H.
Arêde, A.
Costa, A.
Keywords: RC columns
Non-linear behaviour
Biaxial bending
Fibre modelling
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Abstract: The performance of different nonlinear modelling strategies to simulate the response of RC columns subjected to axial load combined with cyclic biaxial horizontal loading is compared. The models studied are classifi ed into two categories according to the nonlinearity distribution assumed in the elements: lumped-plasticity and distributed inelasticity. For this study, results of tests on 24 columns subjected to cyclic uniaxial and biaxial lateral displacements were numerically reproduced. The analyses show that the global envelope response is satisfactorily represented with the three modelling strategies, but significant differences were found in the strength degradation for higher drift demands and energy dissipation.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1007/s11803-012-0141-1
ISSN: 1993-503X
Appears in Collections:DECivil - Artigos

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