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Title: Immersive unit visualization with augmented reality
Author: Marques, Ana Beatriz
Branco, Vasco
Costa, Rui
Costa, Nina
Keywords: Immersive Unit Visualization
Augmented reality
Hybrid space
Immersive analytics
Information design
Data visualization
Issue Date: 17-Oct-2023
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Immersive Unit Visualization is an emergent form of visualization that arose from Immersive Analytics where, unlike traditional visualizations, each data point is represented by an individual visual mark in an immersive virtual environment. This practice has focused almost exclusively on virtual reality, excluding augmented reality (AR). This article develops and tests a prototype of an Immersive Unit Visualization (Floating Companies II) with two AR devices: head-mounted display (HMD) and hand-held display (HHD). Results from the testing sessions with 20 users were analyzed through qualitative research analysis and thematic coding indicating that, while the HHD enabled a first contact with AR visualization on a familiar device, HMD improved the perception of hybrid space by supporting greater stability of virtual content, wider field of view, improved spatial perception, increased sense of immersion, and more realistic simulation, which had an impact on information reading and sense-making. The materialization of abstract quantitative values into concrete reality through its simulation in the real environment and the ludic dimension stand out as important opportunities for this type of visualization. This paper investigates the aspects distinguishing two experiences regarding data visualization in hybrid space, and characterizes ways of seeing information with AR, identifying opportunities to advance information design research.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/mti7100098
Appears in Collections:DeCA - Artigos
ID+ - Artigos

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