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Title: Tangible interfaces and augmented reality in a nutrition serious game for kids
Author: Reisinho, Pedro
Silva, Cátia
Vairinhos, Mário
Oliveira, Ana Patrícia
Zagalo, Nelson
Keywords: Augmented reality
Tangible user interface
Serious game
Nutrition education
Food preparation
Cooking skills
Issue Date: 5-Oct-2021
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: In this paper we present and discuss the potentialities of using augmented reality and tangible interfaces to enhance kids' cooking skills within a serious nutrition hybrid board game, grounded in the research proj ect “FlavourGame”. The research project is developing a serious game for kids aged 10–12 years old to generate discussion and sense-making around nutrition, more specifically everyday choices of nourishment and food. The main aim is to develop a game design model for hybrid games, making use of digital and physical interactions with fictional worlds to create engaging experiences. In this article, we unravel the creative and technological processes inherent to combining the analog with the digital without disrupting the game's flow, as well as the benefits of simulating the recipes' culinary processes through augmented reality. Additionally, we describe the evaluation process of the prototype that connects the game board to the mobile application and presents the augmented reality challenge to the player. Lastly, we present an analysis of the data collected during the evaluation sessions, showing the good receptivity of participants regarding the use of augmented reality to simulate food and kitchen equipment, and learn and improve their culinary skills.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1109/SEGAH52098.2021.9551852
ISBN: 978-1-6654-2650-3
ISSN: 2330-5649
Appears in Collections:DeCA - Capítulo de livro
DigiMedia - Capítulo de livro

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