Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/33540
Título: Prison as a solution? The principles of eco-feminism applied to the social reintegration of women detainees
Autor: Ferreira, Helena
Palavras-chave: Prison
Social reintegration
Data: Nov-2020
Editora: Grácio Editor
Resumo: The aim of this investigation, born within activism, is to present an alternative to the current prison services that requires radical transformations in society. In other words, it aims to replace the space currently occupied by prisons with new institutions that will work to expel the prison from our social and psychic landscape. This project focuses on organizations in open spaces that prioritize the social well­being of female detainees and their families: eco­villages. Besides contributing to the global motion towards a society of sustainable communities, eco­villages promote social reintegration and solve the issue of severe poverty amongst female inmates. These eco­villages, built from the remnants of abandoned villages, on the principles of eco­feminism, provide an opportunity for women to overcome unfavorable conditions and build better lives for themselves and their communities – while contributing to the construction of a fairer, more sustainable democratic society.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/33540
ISBN: 978-989-54956-2-7
Versão do Editor: https://viicongresso.estudosculturais.com/en/conference-proceedings/
Aparece nas coleções: CLLC - Capítulo de livro

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