Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/15108
Título: Black ringoids: spinning balanced black objects in d >= 5 dimensions - the codimension-two case
Autor: Kleihaus, Burkhard
Kunz, Jutta
Radu, Eugen
Palavras-chave: Classical Theories of Gravity
Black Holes
Data: 2015
Editora: Springer Verlag
Resumo: We propose a general framework for the study of asymptotically flat black objects with k+1 equal magnitude angular momenta in d >= 5 spacetime dimensions (with 0 <= k <= [d-5/2]). In this approach, the dependence on all angular coordinates but one is factorized, which leads to a codimension-two problem. This framework can describe black holes with spherical horizon topology, the simplest solutions corresponding to a class of Myers-Perry black holes. A different set of solutions describes balanced black objects with Sn+1 x S2k+1 horizon topology. The simplest members of this family are the black rings (k = 0). The solutions with k > 0 are dubbed black ringoids. Based on the nonperturbative numerical results found for several values of (n, k), we propose a general picture for the properties and the phase diagram of these solutions and the associated black holes with spherical horizon topology: n = 1 black ringoids repeat the k = 0 pattern of black rings and Myers-Perry black holes in 5 dimensions, whereas n > 1 black ringoids follow the pattern of higher dimensional black rings associated with 'pinched' black holes and Myers-Perry black holes.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/15108
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2015)117
ISSN: 1029-8479
Aparece nas coleções: CIDMA - Artigos
DFis - Artigos
GGDG - Artigos

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