Browsing by Author Osinga, Ronald
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2013 | Coral aquaculture to support drug discovery | Leal, Miguel C.; Calado, Ricardo; Sheridan, Christopher; Alimonti, Andrea; Osinga, Ronald | article |  |
2014 | Marine microorganism-invertebrate assemblages: perspectives to solve the "supply problem" in the initial steps of drug discovery | Leal, Miguel Costa; Sheridan, Christopher; Osinga, Ronald; Dioníasio, Gisela; Rocha, Rui Jorge Miranda; Silva, Bruna; Rosa, Rui; Calado, Ricardo | article |  |
2014 | Red light represses the photophysiology of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata | Wijgerde, Tim; Van Melis, Anne; Silva, Catarina I. F.; Leal, Miguel C.; Vogels, Luc; Mutter, Claudia; Osinga, Ronald | article |  |