Showing results 1 to 20 of 29
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Jul-2022 | 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering | Bdikin, Igor; Gonçalves, Gil; Simões, Raúl | book |  |
Nov-2011 | Automated high-throughput screening of carbon nanotube-based bio-nanocomposites for bone cement applications | Gonçalves, Paula P.; Singh, Manoj K.; Silva, Virgília S.; Marques, Filipa; Marques, Ana; LeDuc, Philip R.; Grácio, José; Marques, Paula A. A. P.; Gonçalves, Gil; Sousa, António C. M. | article |  |
11-Nov-2019 | Bacterial cellulose/graphene oxide aerogels with enhanced dimensional and thermal stability | Pinto, Susana C.; Gonçalves, Gil; Sandoval, Stefania; López-Periago, Ana M.; Borras, Alejandro; Domingo, Concepción; Tobias, Gerard; Duarte, Isabel; Vicente, Romeu; Marques, Paula A.A.P. | article |  |
Aug-2018 | Biocompatible hybrids based on nanographene oxide covalently linked to glycolporphyrins: synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation | Santos, Carla I.M.; Gonçalves, Gil; Cicuéndez, Monica; Mariz, Inês; Silva, Virgília S.; Oliveira, Helena; Campos, Fábio; Vieira, Sandra I.; Marques, Paula A.A.P.; Maçôas, Ermelinda M.S.; Neves, M.Graça P.M.S.; Martinho, José M.G. | article |  |
5-Oct-2021 | Biomimetic graphene/spongin scaffolds for improved osteoblasts bioactivity via dynamic mechanical stimulation | Semitela, Ângela; Carvalho, Sara; Fernandes, Cristiana; Pinto, Susana; Fateixa, Sara; Nogueira, Helena I. S.; Bdikin, Igor; Completo, António; Marques, Paula A. A. P.; Gonçalves, Gil | article |  |
9-Dec-2020 | A building information modeling approach to integrate geomatic data for the documentation and preservation of cultural heritage | Solla, Mercedes; Gonçalves, Luisa M. S.; Gonçalves, Gil; Francisco, Carina; Puente, Iván; Providência, Paulo; Gaspar, Florindo; Rodrigues, Hugo | article |  |
2022 | Chemically expanded graphite-based ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical properties | Somberg, Julian; Gonçalves, Gil; Soria Sanchez, Maria; Emami, Nazanin | article |  |
15-Feb-2020 | Conductive polysaccharides-based proton-exchange membranes for fuel cell applications: the case of bacterial cellulose and fucoidan | Vilela, Carla; Silva, Ana C. Q.; Domingues, Eddy M.; Gonçalves, Gil; Martins, Manuel A.; Figueiredo, Filipe M. L.; Santos, Sónia A. O.; Freire, Carmen S. R. | article |  |
13-Jun-2023 | Customizing 3D structures of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes to direct neural stem cell differentiation | Nascimento, Luís; Fernandes, Cristiana; Silva, Ricardo M.; Semitela, Ângela; Sousa, Bárbara M. de; Marques, Paula A. A. P.; Vieira, Sandra I.; Silva, Rui F.; Barroca, Nathalie; Gonçalves, Gil | article |  |
2021 | Data acquisition in cultural heritage buildings using non-destructive techniques, and its gathering with BIM: the case study of the Gothic Monastery of Batalha in Portugal | Francisco, Carina; Gonçalves, Luísa; Gaspar, Florindo; Rodrigues, Hugo; Carracelas, Mercedes Solla; Luna, Ivan Puente; Gonçalves, Gil; Providência, Paulo | bookPart |  |
5-May-2023 | Development of Au nanostars/graphene oxide paper for SERS | Silva, Eduarda F.; Gonçalves, Gil; Fateixa, Sara | article |  |
2016 | Electrostatic self-assembled 3D graphene oxide-collagen nanocomposite as scaffold for tissue engineering | Marques, Paula Alexandrina; Girão, André; Gonçalves, Gil; Completo, António | conferenceObject |  |
2016 | Electrostatic self-assembled graphene oxide-collagen scaffolds towards a three-dimensional microenvironment for biomimetic applications | Girão, André F.; Gonçalves, Gil; Bhangra, Kulraj S.; Phillips, James B.; Knowles, Jonathan; Irurueta, Gonzalo Guillermo Otero; Bdikin, Igor; Completo, António; Marques, Paula | article |  |
27-Sep-2010 | Graphene oxide modified with PMMA via ATRP as a reinforcement filler | Gonçalves, Gil; Marques, Paula A. A. P.; Barros-Timmons, Ana; Bdikin, Igor; Singh, Manoj K.; Emami, Nazanin; Grácio, José | article |  |
27-May-2023 | Graphene oxide versus graphite and chemically expanded graphite as solid lubricant in ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene composites | Somberg, Julian; Gonçalves, Gil; Emami, Nazanin | article |  |
15-Oct-2020 | Graphene oxide/polyethyleneimine aerogel for high-performance mercury sorption from natural waters | Bessa, Ana; Henriques, Bruno; Gonçalves, Gil; Irurueta, Gonzalo; Pereira, Eduarda; Marques, Paula A. A. P. | article |  |
2017 | A graphene-oxide-collagen scaffold as a versatile three-dimensional biomimetic microenvironment for tissue engineering applications | Girão, André; Gonçalves, Gil; Nóbrega, Ana; Almeida, Sofia; Completo, António; Marques, Paula Alexandrina | conferenceObject |  |
28-Jul-2020 | Green graphene-chitosan sorbent materials for mercury water remediation | Bessa, Ana; Gonçalves, Gil; Henriques, Bruno; Domingues, Eddy M.; Pereira, Eduarda; Marques, Paula A. A. P. | article |  |
5-Apr-2021 | High affinity of 3D spongin scaffold towards Hg(II) in real waters | Domingues, Eddy M.; Gonçalves, Gil; Henriques, Bruno; Pereira, Eduarda; Marques, Paula A. A. P. | article |  |
Feb-2010 | Integração de dados LiDAR e orto-imagens CIR na extracção de Modelos Digitais de Terreno de zonas urbanas: resultados preliminares | Gonçalves, Gil; Gomes Pereira, Luísa | conferenceObject |  |