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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2022Age and sex differences in balance outcomes among Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at risk of fallsAlsubheen, Sanaa A.; Beauchamp, Marla; Ellerton, Cindy; Goldstein, Roger; Alison, Jennifer; Dechman, Gail; Haines, Kimberley J.; Harrison, Samantha; Holland, Anne; Lee, Annemarie; Marques, Alda; Spencer, Lissa; Stickland, Michael; Skinner, Elizabeth H.; Brooks, DinaarticleopenAccess
19-Nov-2018Assessing caregiving experience in COPD: content validity of the Zarit Burden InterviewCruz, Joana; Marques, Alda; Miranda, Sara; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaconferenceObjectopenAccess
17-Aug-2022Assessing caregiving experience in COPD: content validity of the Zarit Burden Interview in Canadian and Portuguese caregiversSelzler, Anne-Marie; Brooks, Dina; Marques, Alda; Souto-Miranda, Sara; Goldstein, Roger; Cruz, JoanaarticlerestrictedAccess
2020Assessing the caregiving experience in COPD: content validity of the Zarit Burden interview and Caregiver Reaction AssessmentSelzler, Anne-Marie; Marques, Alda; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, Dina; Cruz, JoanaconferenceObjectopenAccess
Aug-2024Balance measures for fall risk screening in community-dwelling older adults with COPD: a longitudinal analysisNguyen, Khang T.; Brooks, Dina; Macedo, Luciana G.; Ellerton, Cindy; Goldstein, Roger; Alison, Jennifer A.; Dechman, Gail; Harrison, Samantha L.; Holland, Anne E.; Lee, Annemarie L.; Marques, Alda; Spencer, Lissa; Stickland, Michael K.; Skinner, Elizabeth H.; Haines, Kimberley J.; Beauchamp, Marla K.articleopenAccess
Dec-2023Cough assessment and management in pulmonary rehabilitation: a Canadian surveyIlicic, Ana Maria; Brooks, Dina; Kho, Michelle; Goldstein, Roger; Oliveira, AnaarticleopenAccess
31-Mar-2022Design and delivery of home-based telehealth pulmonary rehabilitation programs in COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysisMichaelchuk, Wade; Oliveira, Ana; Marzolini, Susan; Nonoyama, Mika; Maybank, Aline; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaarticlerestrictedAccess
Jan-2021Disease-specific outcome measures used in pulmonary rehabilitation for people with Interstitial Lung DiseasesOliveira, Ana; Habash, Razzane; Ellerton, Lauren; Maybank, Aline; Marques, Alda; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaconferenceObjectopenAccess
2023Features and characteristics of publicly available mHealth apps for self-management in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseQuach, Shirley; Benoit, Adam; Oliveira, Ana; Packham, Tara L.; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaarticleopenAccess
6-May-2017Informal caregiving in COPD: a systematic review of instruments and their measurement propertiesCruz, Joana; Marques, Alda; Machado, Ana; O’Hoski, Sachi; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaarticleopenAccess
1-Jun-2022Interstitial lung diseases specific measures in exercise interventions: a systematic review of measurement propertiesOliveira, Ana; Habash, Razanne; Ellerton, Lauren; Maybank, Aline; Alsubheen, Sanaa; Marques, Alda; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaarticlerestrictedAccess
Dec-2023Mobile health applications for self‑management in chronic lung disease: a systematic reviewQuach, Shirley; Michaelchuk, Wade; Benoit, Adam; Oliveira, Ana; Packham, Tara L.; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaarticlerestrictedAccess
Nov-2023A non-pharmacological cough therapy for people with interstitial lung diseases: a case reportDasouki, Sabrina; Quach, Shirley; Mancopes, Renata; Mitchell, Sarah Chamberlain; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, Dina; Oliveira, AnaarticlerestrictedAccess
2022Non-pharmacological management of non-productive chronic cough in adults: a systematic reviewIlicic, Ana Maria; Oliveira, Ana; Habash, Razanne; Kang, Yejin; Kho, Michelle; Goldstein, Roger; Brooks, DinaarticleopenAccess
9-Sep-2023Perceptions and beliefs associated with enrolling in pulmonary rehabilitationOliveira, Ana; Selzner, Anne-Marie; Ellerton, Cindy; Brooks, Dina; Goldstein, RogerconferenceObjectopenAccess
2024Perceptions and beliefs associated with enrolling in pulmonary rehabilitation in people with chronic respiratory diseases: a qualitative studyOliveira, Ana; Selzler, Anne-Marie; Ellerton, Cindy; Wshah, Adnan; Brooks, Dina; Goldstein, RogerarticlerestrictedAccess
24-Aug-2024Pulmonary rehabilitation with balance training for fall reduction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized controlled trialHao, Qiukui; Brooks, Dina; Ellerton, Cindy; Goldstein, Roger; Lee, Annemarie L.; Alison, Jennifer A.; Dechman, Gail; Haines, Kimberley J.; Harrison, Samantha L.; Holland, Anne E.; Marques, Alda; Spencer, Lissa; Stickland, Michael K.; Skinner, Elizabeth H.; Camp, Pat G.; Ma, Jinhui; Beauchamp, Marla K.articleopenAccess
20-Nov-2017Pulmonary Rehabilitation With Balance Training for Fall Reduction in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled TrialBeauchamp, Marla; Brooks, Dina; Ellerton, Cindy; Lee, Annemarie; Alison, Jennifer; Camp, Pat; Dechman, Gail; Haines, Kimberley; Harrison, Samantha; Holland, Anne; Marques, Alda; Moineddin, Rahim; Skinner, Elizabeth; Spencer, Lissa; Stickland, Michael; Xie, Feng; Goldstein, RogerarticleopenAccess
2024Rapid access rehabilitation after exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a Delphi studyQuach, Shirley; Oliveira, Ana; Brooks, Dina; Walker, Jan; Goldstein, RogerarticlerestrictedAccess
2021Rapid Access Rehabilitation after exacerbations of COPD: a qualitative studyOliveira, Ana; Quach, Shirley; Alsubheen, Sanaa; Brooks, Dina; Walker, Jan; Goldstein, RogerconferenceObjectopenAccess