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Title: Assessing caregiving experience in COPD: content validity of the Zarit Burden Interview in Canadian and Portuguese caregivers
Author: Selzler, Anne-Marie
Brooks, Dina
Marques, Alda
Souto-Miranda, Sara
Goldstein, Roger
Cruz, Joana
Keywords: Caregivers
Cognitive debriefing interviews
Caregiver burden
Issue Date: 17-Aug-2022
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Abstract: Informal caregivers play an important role in chronic disease management but their experience is often neglected. The objective of this study was to explore the content validity of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) in caregivers of individuals with COPD in Canada and Portugal.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2107089
ISSN: 0963-8288
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:Lab3R - Artigos

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