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Title: Influence of the testing procedures in the mechanical characterization of adobe bricks
Author: Silveira, Dora
Varum, Humberto
Costa, Aníbal
Keywords: Adobe bricks
Mechanical characterization
Experimental testing
Testing procedures
Earth architecture and construction
Traditional construction
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: A study of the influence of testing procedures in the mechanical characterization of adobe bricks traditionally used in Aveiro district, Portugal, was conducted. Cylindrical and cubic adobe specimens were subjected to simple compression tests, adobe bricks to flexural tests, and cylindrical adobe specimens to splitting tests. With these tests it was possible: (i) to collect more data to improve the knowledge of the mechanical behavior of adobe; (ii) to determine correlations between results obtained with different testing procedures; and (iii) to perform a rigorous characterization of the deformations suffered by adobe under compression, by measuring deformations directly on test specimens.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.11.058
ISSN: 0950-0618
Appears in Collections:DECivil - Artigos

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