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Title: Air quality management in Portugal: example of needs and available tools
Author: Borrego, C.
Miranda, A. I.
Coutinho, M.
Ferreira, J.
Carvalho, A. C.
Keywords: Air quality
Environmental impacts
Critical loads
Issue Date: Nov-2002
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The Framework Directive (FWD) and the proposed Daughter Directives are the newest legislative instruments concerning a new political strategy and air quality management approach for Europe. Additionally, the member countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe have included the concepts of critical load and level for planning air pollution abatement strategies and as a base of international agreements concerning limitation of the emissions of air pollutants. These concepts imply an accurate knowledge about pollutants deposition fluxes. The paper describes the main needs and the tools available to define a strategy of air quality management in Portugal. Two study cases are presented: (1) extensive monitoring plan to assess the impact of an urban incinerator plant; and (2) contribution to a methodology to estimate critical levels for a coastal region in Portugal. These different approaches allowed illustrating the complexity of the implementation of an air pollution management strategy.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/S0269-7491(02)00134-3
ISSN: 0269-7491
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DAO - Artigos

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