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Title: 4MORE uplink system level performance
Author: Shateri, M.
Monteiro, V.
Rodriguez, J.
Gameiro, A. S.
Legouable, R.
Ibrahim, N.
Keywords: 4MORE
Dynamic Resource Allocation
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: There is already significant research targeting B3G systems. The vision for this new generation includes provision of a broadband component for which various implementation technologies are being considered, one of them being MC-CDMA. The 4MORE project focuses at the system concept on techniques believed to be crucial to reach the broadband capabilities envisioned, namely Multiple Transmit Multiple Receive (MTMR) antennas and cross-layer design (L1 and L2). Specifically, the joint application of dynamic resource allocation with double Alamouti encoding and cross-layer signalling are considered to ensure seamless IP packet transport with broadband capabilities. The simulation results have shown that the 4MORE system can match the anticipated throughputs required for the cellular component of B3G systems.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1109/ISTMWC.2007.4299086
ISBN: 963-8111-66-6
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DETI - Comunicações

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