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Title: Context transport based on 802.21 MIH protocol
Author: Marcelo, Lebre
Corujo, Daniel
Gomes, Diogo
Aguiar, Rui
Keywords: Adaptation
Context Management
IEEE 802.21
Media Independent Handovers
Mobile Terminal
Sensor networks
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Sensor networks, along with the sensorial output from their nodes, provide an information source to enhance and enrich upper layers mechanisms. The 802.21 MIH protocol provides a cross layer framework that can be extended for sensor information transport. At the same time, it creates an abstraction layer that removes hardware and software specificity from sensor nodes. On a higher level of the network stack, the XMPP protocol also provides an upper layer solution for content syndication on a platform with global access availability. We present a framework which integrates a cross-layer abstraction approach towards sensor devices of different families, while enabling the integration of media-independent sensor information into context consumers with the aim of optimizing network management, as well as application operation and usability. The work presented was also part of the first author’s MsC dissertation.
Peer review: yes
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