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Title: Seasonal synchrony between Saissetia oleae and coccinellid species in Portuguese olive groves in different management systems
Author: Santos, SAP
Pereira, JA
Raimundo, A
Torres, LM
Nogueira, AJA
Keywords: Coccinellids
Integrated pest management
Organic farming
Predator-prey interactions
Saissetia oleae
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Dept. of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies, Universitá di Bologna
Abstract: The black scale, Saissetia oleae (Olivier) (Hemiptera Coceidae), is one of the main olive pests and coecinellids are among the principal predators that feed on scales. The relationships between the temporal abundance or live common coccinellid species [Chilocorus bipustulatus L. Scymnus subvillosus (Goeze), Scymnus mediterraneus lablokoff-Khnzorian, Scymnus interruptus (Goeze), Rhyzabius chrysomeloides (Herbst)] and the different phenological stages of S. (ileac were investigated in two olive groves managed under two different systems (Integrated Pest Management and Organic Farming) during 2002 and 2003. Coccinellids and black scale were randomly sampled on a fortnightly basis and correlation analyses between the abundance of the coccinellid species and the different stages of the pest were carried out. Results showed that the abundance IS. oleae was similar between olive groves and years. However, significant differences were found for adult and larvae of coccinellid species. In both years and groves, the greatest abundance or coccinellids occurred between June and November, also corresponding to the period of greatest abundance of the first and second instar nymphs of S. oleae. Significant positive correlations were obtained between the second instar nymph and four out of live coccinellid species, being potentially the most predated stage of the pest. On the contrary, no significant positive correlations were found between the third instar nymph and the coccinellid species. S. subvillosus and S. interruptus were the coccinellid species that showed a higher number of significant positive correlations with the different stages of the pest indicating their potential as biological agents of S. oleae.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 1721-8861
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
DBio - Artigos

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