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Title: catena-[1,3-diammoniopropane di-mu2-hydroxodi-mu4-phosphato-trioxotrivanadium dihydrate]: a redetermination at 180 (2) K
Author: Almeida Paz, Filipe A.
Shi, Fa-Nian
Trindade, Tito
Rocha, João
Klinowski, Jacek
Issue Date: Apr-2003
Publisher: International Union of Crystallography
Abstract: The crystal structure of the title compound, (C3H12N2)- [V3O3(OH)2(PO4)2] 2H2O, has been reported by Soghomonian et al. [Chem. Mater. (1993), 5, 1690±1691]. We present here a redetermination of greatly improved precision and at a low temperature of 180 (2) K. The H atoms connected to oxygen have been successfully located and the coordination environments of the two crystallographically independent vanadium centres have been properly elucidated. Large channels, running along the a direction, contain water molecules and 1,3-diammoniopropane cations that are strongly hydrogen bonded to the anionic framework through N+ÐH O and OÐH O interactions. One vanadyl (V O) bond and the central ±CH2± group of 1,3-diammoniopropane are located on a mirror plane.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 1600-5368
Appears in Collections:DQ - Artigos

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