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Title: Environmental complaints in Aveiro, Portugal: Actors, concerns, territorial pattern, and resolutions
Other Titles: Reclamações ambientais em Aveiro, Portugal: atores, preocupações, padrão territorial e resoluções
Author: Carvalho, Daniela
Fidélis, Teresa
Keywords: Environmental complaints
Public perception
Environmental concerns
Issue Date: 28-Jan-2009
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Abstract: This paper presents an environmental diagnosis based on public complaints on environmental issues submitted to the Environmental Department of the Aveiro City Council, Portugal, between 2000 and 2005. It discusses the potential influences of these in local environmental planning and governance. The paper has been organised into five sections. The first of these introduces the study. The second section focuses on the conceptual approaches relating to environmental grassroots movements, the main actors involved in these movements and the role played by local government. It also contains a brief review of the most recent urban environmental quality challenges in the European context together with a description of the main features of the associated political and legal framework in Portugal. The third section describes the case study and the methodology used. The results of the empirical study are detailed in the fourth section. The final section critically analyses these results with emphases on the temporal evolution of the submission of complaints, the actors involved, the local environmental problems and their associated spatial pattern as well as the responses given by the City Council. This information may then be used to provide a useful indicator for the perception of environmental quality as well as a credible instrument for the visualisation and evaluation of local performance in terms of environmental planning and management.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 0103-1570
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DAO - Artigos

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