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Title: Identificação de utilizadores em IPTV- melhorar a experiência de utilização dos seniores
Author: Silva, Telmo Eduardo Miranda Castelão da
Abreu, Jorge Trinidad Ferraz de
Pacheco, Osvaldo Manuel da Rocha
Keywords: Elderly
Interactive TV
Personalization, Health
Viewer Identification
Televisión 3.0
nuevos modelos de negocio en la red
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Universidad de Salamanca
Abstract: Watching TV is changing and becoming more personalized as we witness a spread use of interactive television, Personal Video Recorders (PVR) and Set-Top-Boxes (STB) enabling access to time-shifted content and a large range of interactive services. However, this technological mediation does not guarantee by itself an effective personalization of content, since it relies on the STB identification being not appropriated for a multi-viewer scenario. So, knowledge about who is in front of TV set becomes of paramount importance, especially for TV operators’ they can provide services perfectly targeted to the viewers. In this context, elderly (avid consumers of television) are a specific type of users that can benefit from services based on a non-intrusive identification system. This work aims to study this issue and identify a layer of customizable services which can improve the viewing experience of elderly.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-84-615-1693-3
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DigiMedia - Comunicações

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