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Title: Unwanted legacy and memory of the Milieu: toxic materials, remediation, habituation (Estarreja, Portugal)
Author: Wateau, Fabienne
Giongo, Carmem Regina
Figueiredo, Daniela
Reis, Johnny
Lago, Manuelle
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Taylor&Francis
Abstract: From a chemical polluting and contaminating complex between the 1950s and 1990s to the touristic reconstruction of wetlands once heavily impacted by toxic waste discharges and now beautifully called BioRia, the history of Estarreja is being rewritten. What remains from the industrial memory of the locality? How do present-day views and voices speak of the city's stories and everyday life? What is the awareness of potential risks: does it exist or not? From the factories to the magnificent flora, from the old workers to the generations of the future and some environmental awareness projects organized by the neighbouring University of Aveiro (Portugal), this article aims to present a context of unwanted toxic heritage, but constitutive of the social and industrial history of this place. Between legacy and heritage, remediation and memory, this chapter will attempt to explain the balance in which public authorities, people and industries find themselves today.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.4324/9781003365259-21
Appears in Collections:DBio - Capítulo de livro

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