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Title: Human platelet lysate-derived nanofibrils as building blocks to produce free-standing membranes for cell self-aggregation
Author: Monteiro, Cátia F.
Gomes, Maria C.
Bharmoria, Pankaj
Freire, Mara G.
Coutinho, João A. P.
Custódio, Catarina A.
Mano, João F.
Keywords: Human platelet lysate
Ionic liquid
Amyloid-like fibrils
Free-standing membrane
3D microtissues
Cell self-aggregation
Issue Date: 4-Jun-2024
Publisher: American Chemical Society
Abstract: Amyloid-like fibrils are garnering keen interest in biotechnology as supramolecular nanofunctional units to be used as biomimetic platforms to control cell behavior. Recent insights into fibril functionality have highlighted their importance in tissue structure, mechanical properties, and improved cell adhesion, emphasizing the need for scalable and high-kinetics fibril synthesis. In this study, we present the instantaneous and bulk formation of amyloid-like nanofibrils from human platelet lysate (PL) using the ionic liquid cholinium tosylate as a fibrillating agent. The instant fibrillation of PL proteins upon supramolecular protein-ionic liquid interactions was confirmed from the protein conformational transition toward cross-β-sheet-rich structures. These nanofibrils were utilized as building blocks for the formation of thin and flexible free-standing membranes via solvent casting to support cell self-aggregation. These PL-derived fibril membranes reveal a nanotopographically rough surface and high stability over 14 days under cell culture conditions. The culture of mesenchymal stem cells or tumor cells on the top of the membrane demonstrated that cells are able to adhere and self-organize in a three-dimensional (3D) spheroid-like microtissue while tightly folding the fibril membrane. Results suggest that nanofibril membrane incorporation in cell aggregates can improve cell viability and metabolic activity, recreating native tissues' organization. Altogether, these PL-derived nanofibril membranes are suitable bioactive platforms to generate 3D cell-guided microtissues, which can be explored as bottom-up strategies to faithfully emulate native tissues in a fully human microenvironment.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c02790
ISSN: 1936-0851
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
DQ - Artigos

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