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Title: Assessing social and environmental impacts of an Autonomous shuttle service to improve transport connectivity in underserved areas
Author: Bandeira, Jorge M.
Macedo, Eloisa
O’Hern, Steve
Liimatainen, Heikki
Stankevičienė, Solveiga
Issue Date: 4-Oct-2023
Abstract: Underserved communities in rural areas face mobility challenges due to limitations in digital connectivity and transport infrastructure. • Automation and shared mobility can offer innovative solutions and have the potential to tackle these challenges. • Joint Pilot Action (JPA) to test and explore socio economic and environmental impacts of an autonomous electric shuttle (AES) service in Vilnius under a joint pilot action (JPA) to improve transport connectivity for suburban areas and access to public transport
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.5755/e01.9786090218419
Appears in Collections:DEM - Comunicações
TEMA - Comunicações

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