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Title: Duality theory for enriched Priestley spaces
Author: Hofmann, Dirk
Nora, Pedro
Keywords: Stone duality
Metric space
Priestley space
Quantale-enriched category
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The term Stone-type duality often refers to a dual equivalence between a category of lattices or other partially ordered structures on one side and a category of topological structures on the other. This paper is part of a larger endeavour that aims to extend a web of Stone-type dualities from ordered to metric structures and, more generally, to quantale-enriched categories. In particular, we improve our previous work and show how certain duality results for categories of \([0,1]\)-enriched Priestley spaces and \([0,1]\)-enriched relations can be restricted to functions. In a broader context, we investigate the category of quantale-enriched Priestley spaces and continuous functors, with emphasis on those properties which identify the algebraic nature of the dual of this category.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2022.107231
ISSN: 0022-4049
Appears in Collections:AGG - Artigos

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