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Title: 3D-bioprinted cancer-on-a-chip: level-up organotypic in vitro models
Author: Monteiro, Maria V.
Zhang, Yu Shrike
Gaspar, Vítor M.
Mano, João F.
Keywords: In vitro Tumor models
3D Bioprinting
Preclinical Drug Screening
Issue Date: Apr-2022
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Combinatorial conjugation of organ-on-a-chip platforms with additive manufacturing technologies is rapidly emerging as a disruptive approach for upgrading cancer-on-a-chip systems towards anatomic-sized dynamic in vitro models. This valuable technological synergy has potential for giving rise to truly physiomimetic 3D models that better emulate tumor microenvironment elements, bioarchitecture, and response to multidimensional flow dynamics. Herein, we showcase the most recent advances in bioengineering 3D-bioprinted cancer-on-a-chip platforms and provide a comprehensive discussion on design guidelines and possibilities for high-throughput analysis. Such hybrid platforms represent a new generation of highly sophisticated 3D tumor models with improved biomimicry and predictability of therapeutics performance.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2021.08.007
ISSN: 0167-7799
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
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