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Title: Evaluation of educational games: a research plan towards the proposal of a digital application
Author: Reis, Maria Helena da Silva
Almeida, Ana Margarida Pisco
Keywords: Games
Digital resources
User experience
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: UA Editora
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present a research plan on the field of digital educational games evaluation. The study is intended to present a contribution to deepen knowledge on the key dimensions that should be considered in the design of a proposal for a digital application, which will allow the teacher to evaluate and select an educational game according to three indicators: motivation, user experience and learning. Moreover, it’s also intended to understand how the proposal may contribute to change teachers’ attitudes by motivating them for further use of game-based solutions in teaching. For this purpose, two cases will be used: the UNLOVE game and the SANDIEGO INC game. The upcoming study will be of exploratory nature, framed in the socio-critical paradigm, presenting itself as a mixed investigation in which qualitative and quantitative methods are combined and reconciled. Fifty-one 11th grade students in high school level of vocational education will participate in the research. For each game, a session will be held with the students. Then, a questionnaire for evaluation of gaming educational resources will be filled in. An interview will also be applied to each teacher of the class, which had a gaming session. In addition to this, as proposed by the Educational Design Research approach, discussion group dynamics will be created with a focus group of eight experts/teachers that may assist in the design of the digital application. The achieved design of re-search plan allowed a better understanding of the importance of increasing the adoption of this type of teaching strategy by the education professionals, enabling the teacher to use educational games more easily and confidently.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-972-789-619-6
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DeCA - Comunicações
DigiMedia - Comunicações

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