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Title: TCTEX1D4 interactome in human testis: unraveling the function of dynein light chain in spermatozoa
Author: Freitas, Maria João
Korrodi-Gregório, Luís
Morais-Santos, Filipa
Silva, Edgar da Cruz e
Fardilha, Margarida
Keywords: TCTEX1D4
In silico
Acrosome reaction
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert
Abstract: Studies were designed to identify the TCTEX1D4 interactome in human testis, with the purpose of unraveling putative protein complexes essential to male reproduction and thus novel TCTEX1D4 functions. TCTEX1D4 is a dynein light chain that belongs to the DYNT1/TCTEX1 family. In spermatozoa, it appears to be important to sperm motility, intraflagellar transport, and acrosome reaction. To contribute to the knowledge on TCTEX1D4 function in testis and spermatozoa, a yeast two-hybrid assay was performed in testis, which allowed the identification of 40 novel TCTEX1D4 interactors. Curiously, another dynein light chain, TCTEX1D2, was identified and its existence demonstrated for the first time in human spermatozoa. Immunofluorescence studies proved that TCTEX1D2 is an intra-acrosomal protein also present in the midpiece, suggesting a role in cargo movement in human spermatozoa. Further, an in silico profile of TCTEX1D4 revealed that most TCTEX1D4 interacting proteins were not previously characterized and the ones described present a very broad nature. This reinforces TCTEX1D4 as a dynein light chain that is capable of interacting with a variety of functionally different proteins. These observations collectively contribute to a deeper molecular understanding of the human spermatozoa function.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1089/omi.2013.0133
ISSN: 1536-2310
Appears in Collections:CBC - Artigos
DBio - Artigos
DCM - Artigos

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