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Title: Integrating environmental impacts in an intercity corridor level pricing scheme
Author: Sampaio, Carlos
Coelho, Margarida C.
Macedo, Eloísa
Bandeira, Jorge M.
Keywords: Intercity corridors
External costs
Toll design
Fare optimization
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: A significant part of the transport sector externalities occurs in intercity corridors, which account for 65% of the total of the kilometers travelled in for example, Portugal (for 2017). A thorough analysis of intercity corridors characteristics has been receiving less attention compared to urban roads. The objective of this work is to propose a methodology to tackle intercity corridors issues with respect to environmental impacts. It will focus on suggesting smart and dynamic toll systems, integration of impacts in pricing schemes, and optimization of public transport fares, coupled with a scheme based on the “polluter pays” principle. This vision paper presents the main objectives and methodology of an ongoing research in which the final objective is to lead to a more efficient usage of the infrastructures. The optimization is mainly focused on an environmental perspective, which can be important for decision-makers to improve specific intercity corridor measures/policies.
Peer review: yes
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Appears in Collections:TEMA - Capítulo de livro
DEM - Capítulo de livro

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