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Title: Toxicity screening of soils from different mine areas-A contribution to track the sensitivity and variability of Arthrobacter globiformis assay
Author: Marques, Catarina R.
Caetano, Ana L.
Haller, Andreas
Gonçalves, Fernando
Pereira, Ruth
Römbke, Jörg
Keywords: Dehydrogenase activity
Metals and radionuclides
Risk assessment
Solid-contact assay
Toxicity thresholds
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: This study used the Arthrobacter globiformis solid-contact test for assessing the quality of soils collected in areas subjected to past and present mine activities in Europe (uranium mine, Portugal) and North Africa (phosphogypsum pile, Tunisia; iron mine, Morocco). As to discriminate the influence of soils natural variability from the effect of contaminants, toxicity thresholds were derived for this test, based on the dataset of each study area. Furthermore, the test sensitivity and variability was also evaluated. As a result, soils that inhibited A. globiformis dehydrogenase activity above 45% or 50% relatively to the control, were considered to be toxic. Despite the soil metal content determined, the properties of soils seemed to influence dehydrogenase activity. Overall, the contact test provided a coherent outcome comparing to other more time-consuming and effort-demanding ecotoxicological assays. Our results strengthened the feasibility and ecological relevance of this assay, which variability was quite reduced hence suggesting its potential integration within the test battery of tier 1 of soil risk assessment schemes.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.03.066
ISSN: 0304-3894
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
DBio - Artigos

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