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Title: An electronic voting system supporting vote weights
Author: Eliasson, C.
Zúquete, A.
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: INSTICC
Abstract: Typically each voter contributes with one vote for an election. But there are some elections where voters can have different weights associated with their vote. In this paper we provide a solution for allowing an arbitrary number of weights and weight values to be used in an electronic voting system. We chose REVS, Robust Electronic Voting System, a voting system designed to support Internet voting processes, as the start point for studying the introduction of vote weights. To the best of our knowledge, our modified version of REVS is the first electronic voting system supporting vote weights. Another novelty of the work presented in this paper is the use of sets of RSA key pairs with a common modulus per entity, for saving both generation time and space.
Peer review: yes
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Appears in Collections:DETI - Comunicações

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