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Title: Informatic tools, isometries and communication (in) mathematics
Author: Matos, Lúcia
Cabrita, Isabel
Keywords: Isometries
Geometric transformation
Geometer's Sketchpad
Elementary school
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: ETEN (The European Teacher Education Network); Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki
Abstract: In Portugal, the current Mathematics Program of Elementary Education and the document of the "Learning Goals" give the geometry the place it deserves. And advocate an approach of geometric topics, they also renovated, that gives space to the action of the student in the understanding of geometrical concepts, supported by dynamic environments of dynamic geometry. One topic that has undergone considerable changes was "geometric transformations". On the other hand, the "Patterns" have been gaining ground as an innovative way to contribute to the resolution of student's disinterest, lack of motivation and school failure. But there are few studies which are situated at the confluence of these dimensions. In this perspective, we developed a research that aimed to assess the impact of an approach of isometries through the study of patterns and using dynamic geometry environment, at the level of the development of transversal and specific skills in Geometry. We decided for a multiple case study, essentially qualitative, which took place in a context of action research. It involved a 9th grade class and, in particular, four pairs of students from an elementary school. We used inquiry, direct observation and document analysis, supported by several instruments, including logbook, questionnaires, informal conversations, tests, students' productions and internal documents of the school, as data collection techniques. For data processing, we used, mainly, content analysis. The study concluded that the approach of isometries centered on patterns, using the Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP), contributed, generally, to the development of geometrical knowledge; of mathematical communication; autonomy and to a more friendly relationship with geometry. In this communication, we highlighted the impact of the study at the level of interactions established during the mathematical activity.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-952-10-7862-0
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CIDTFF - Comunicações

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