Browsing by Author Costa, Rute A.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2011 | Effects of air pollution from pulp and paper industry on breeding success of Great tit in maritime pine forests | Costa, Rute A.; Eeva, Tapio; Eira, Catarina; Vaqueiro, Jorge; Vingada, José V. | article |  |
Apr-2019 | Transgenerational endocrine disruption: does elemental pollution affect egg or nestling thyroid hormone levels in a wild songbird? | Ruuskanen, Suvi; Espín, Silvia; Sánchez-Virosta, Pablo; Sarraude, Tom; Hsu, Bin-Yan; Pajunen, Piia; Costa, Rute A.; Eens, Marcel; Hargitai, Rita; Török, János; Eeva, Tapio | article |  |