Browsing by Author Amaro, T
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2-Jun-2009 | Deep-sea bacterial communities in sediments and guts of deposit-feeding holothurians in Portuguese canyons (NE Atlantic) | Amaro, T; Witte, H; Herndl, GJ; Cunha, MR; Billett, DSM | article |  |
Mar-2009 | Europe's Grand Canyon Nazaré Submarine Canyon | Tyler, P; Amaro, T; Arzola, R; Cunha, MR; de Stigter, H; Gooday, A; Huvenne, V; Ingels, J; Kiriakoulakis, K; Lastras, G; Masson, D; Oliveira, A; Pattenden, A; Vanreusel, A; Van Weering, T; Vitorino, J; Witte, U; Wolff, G | article |  |
16-Aug-2010 | The trophic biology of the holothurian Molpadia musculus: implications for organic matter cycling and ecosystem functioning in a deep submarine canyon | Amaro, T; Bianchelli, S; Billett, DSM; Cunha, MR; Pusceddu, A; Danovaro, R | article |  |