Browsing by Author Almeida, C.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2014 | Assessment of imposex and butyltin concentrations in Gemophos viverratus (Kiener, 1834), from São Vicente, Republic of Cabo Verde (Africa) | Lopes-dos-Santos, R. M. A.; Galante-Oliveira, S.; Lopes, E.; Almeida, C.; Barroso, C. | article |  |
2014 | Enhanced BaZrO3 mechanosynthesis by the use of metastable ZrO2 precursors | Sherafat, Z.; Antunes, I.; Almeida, C.; Frade, J. R.; Paydar, M. H.; Mather, G. C.; Fagg, D. P. | article |  |
4-Sep-2022 | Pulmonary rehabilitation changes the oral microbiota of people with COPD | Melo-Dias, S.; Cabral, M.; Furtado, A.; Souto-Miranda, S.; Cravo, J.; Mendes, A.; Almeida, C.; Marques, A.; Sousa, A. | conferenceObject |  |
2022 | Supported Ionic Liquids materials to remove insecticides | Francisco, R.; Almeida, C.; Sousa, A. C. A.; Neves, M.C.; Freire, M. G. | conferenceObject |  |
2014 | The importance of knowledge on the vernacular heritage preservation | Costa, A.; Silveira, D.; Tavares, A.; Varum, H.; Almeida, C.; Arêde, A. | conferenceObject |  |