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Title: Approximate Controllability of Delayed Fractional Stochastic Differential Systems with Mixed Noise and Impulsive Effects
Author: Hakkar, Naima
Dhayal, Rajesh
Debbouche, Amar
Torres, Delfim F. M.
Keywords: Fractional stochastic delay system
Impulsive effects
Approximate controllability
Mmixed noise
Issue Date: Jan-2023
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: We herein report a new class of impulsive fractional stochastic differential systems driven by mixed fractional Brownian motions with infinite delay and Hurst parameter $\hat{\cal H} \in ( 1/2, 1)$. Using fixed point techniques, a $q$-resolvent family, and fractional calculus, we discuss the existence of a piecewise continuous mild solution for the proposed system. Moreover, under appropriate conditions, we investigate the approximate controllability of the considered system. Finally, the main results are demonstrated with an illustrative example.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/fractalfract7020104
ISSN: 2504-3110
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
SCG - Artigos

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