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Title: Partitioning orthogonal polygons by extension of all edges incident to reflex vertices: lower and upper bounds on the number of pieces
Author: Tomás, Ana Paula
Bajuelos, António Leslie
Marques, Fábio
Keywords: Computational Geometry
Orthogonal Polygons
Polygon Partition
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Abstract: Given an orthogonal polygon P, let |∏(P)| be the number of rectangles that result when we partition P by extending the edges incident to reflex vertices towards INT(P). In [4] we have shown that |∏(P)| ≤ 1+r+r<sup>2</sup>, where r is the number of reflex vertices of P. We shall now give sharper bounds both to max<sub>P</sub>|∏(P)| and min<sub>P</sub>|∏(P)|. Moreover, we characterize the structure of orthogonal polygons in general position for which these new bounds are exact. We also present bounds on the area of grid n-ogons and characterize those having the largest and the smallest area.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-24767-8_14
ISSN: 0302-9743
Appears in Collections:ESTGA - Artigos

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