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Title: Managing multiples ontologies in a virtual breeding environment context
Author: Simões, Dora
Ferreira, Hugo
Soares, António Lucas
Keywords: Virtual organisations breeding environment; VBE; ontology management; ontology composition; ontology decomposition
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Inderscience Publishers
Abstract: This paper proposes a new method to manage the use of ontologies in the context of Virtual Organisations Breeding Environments (VBEs). The research focuses on the dissolution phase of a Virtual Enterprise (VE), where ontology decomposition techniques are used to enrich the ontology library. First, an overview of the process used and the Ontology Library System (OLS) adopted are described. Then, the ontologies’ ranking and classification method are described, explaining a set of metrics inspired by social network approaches. Finally, the composition method used to construct a global ontology and the decomposition algorithm implemented to segment an ontology are presented.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 1744-2389
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:ISCA-UA - Artigos

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