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Title: Vulnerability evaluation of the old building stock in historical areas: the case of the old city centre of Coimbra in Portugal
Author: Vicente, R.
Varum, H.
Silva, J. A. R.
Pereira, C.
Silva, V.
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: The increasing concern and consequent appraisal on durability, conservation state and changeable use of old buildings in urban centres relies a great deal on the structural safety evaluation for vertical load bearing capacity, but principally for seismic actions. The need to catalogue buildings according to their seismic vulnerability, particularly old buildings is a key issue in any renewal of rehabilitation process. However, in most countries, little has been done to reduce the seismic vulnerability of buildings in the historical city centres. The occurrence of an earthquake of moderate/high intensity can result in the collapse and severe damages in buildings, and can have catastrophic social and economical implications. Simplified seismic capacity evaluation methods for old masonry buildings, constructed without earthquakeresistant concerns, can be a valuable tool in the seismic risk assessment. The criteria adopted in a seismic risk assessment of a group of buildings must give results that can guide strengthening intervention priorities.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 972-8692-27-7
Appears in Collections:DECivil - Comunicações

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