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Title: Concrete-steel bond characterization of RC structural elements built with smooth plain reinforcement bars
Author: Fernandes, C.
Varum, H.
Costa, A.
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: Poor bond conditions often lead to damage and ultimately to collapse of reinforced concrete structures under seismic loading. Reinforced concrete elements built with smooth plain reinforcement bars are particularly sensitive to the effects of bond degradation. With the objective of evaluating the bond-slip influence in the dynamic response of RC frames, representative of existing structures built in Europe in the 50’s~70’s with smooth plain reinforcement bars, a series of numerical analysis were performed. A simplified numerical model was developed to account for the effects of bond-slip. The proposed model was calibrated with the results of PsD tests on a full-scale structure.
Peer review: yes
Appears in Collections:DECivil - Comunicações

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