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Title: Network controlled handovers: challenges and possibilities
Author: Melia, Telemaco
Oliva, Antonio
Soto, Ignacio
Serrano, Pablo
Aguiar, Rui L
Keywords: Network controlled handovers
Resource control
Inter system handover
Issue Date: Nov-2007
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Abstract: The concept of network controlled handovers is commonly used in cellular technologies. With multi-mode terminals, using layer-2 techniques, this concept can only be applied inside each technology, which impairs the full exploitation of multi-access support. We discuss a layer-3 technique able to operate across technologies, and present an analysis of the performance advantages this technique brings. In general, an increase around 25% in system usage is achievable. The paper further analyses some cell characteristics that impact on the performance improvements achievable by network controlled handovers.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1007/s11277-007-9256-5
ISSN: 0929-6212
Appears in Collections:IT - Artigos

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