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Title: Multiple non-negative solutions to a semilinear equation on Heisenberg group with indefinite nonlinearity
Author: Huang, Lirong
Chen, Jianqing
Rocha, Eugénio M
Keywords: Heisenberg group
Indefinite nonlinearity
Multiple non-negative solutions
Issue Date: Dec-2015
Publisher: Springer Nature
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the existence and multiplicity of non-negative solutions to the semilinear equation (Formula presented.) in a bounded domain Ω⊂HN with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Here HN is the Heisenberg group and 2♯=2q/(q-2) is the critical exponent of the Sobolev embedding on the Heisenberg group. The function K(ξ) may be sign changing on Ω. Using the variational method, we prove that this problem has at least two non-negative solutions provided μ, α, and K(ξ) satisfy some conditions.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1186/s13661-015-0428-z
ISSN: 1687-2762
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
FAAG - Artigos

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