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Title: Modulation of inflammation and the gut microbiota to improve ageing outcomes
Author: Melo-Miranda, Rita
Almeida, Catarina
Martinho, Rui
Sousa, Ana
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Publisher: UA Editora
Abstract: Ageing, one of the current main health challenges, is accompanied by numerous changes, including the development of a low level of chronic inflammation (“inflammageing”) and dysbiosis of the gut microbiota. Yet, the contribution of these factors to the observed differences in frailty of the ageing population is unknown. Throughout ageing, microbiota dysbiosis and inflammageing influence each other in a positive feedback loop, whose onset remains unidentified. This project proposes to investigate whether this feedback loop can be interrupted, and how this interruption can impact age-related signs. To achieve this aim, we will use an animal model of ageing and reduce inflammation using compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. These animals will be further colonized with a labelled commensal strain of Escherichia coli. We will then explore the consequences of reducing inflammation by comparing the adaptive pattern of E. coli obtained in these conditions with the one obtained in the untreated control group. This will inform us on how reducing inflammation can impact microbiota dysbiosis and other age-related signs such as gut permeability, thus potentially improving the healthspan of the elderly population.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-972-789-701-8
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:IBIMED - Comunicações

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