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Title: Improving creative problem solving skills in vocational higher education students through interdisciplinary project-based learning
Author: Martins, Ciro
Soares, Christophe
Marques, Fábio
Gonçalves, Luis
Estrela, Sónia
Keywords: Collaborative learning
Interdisciplinary learning
Motivation in learning
Project based learning
Vocational higher education
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: IATED
Abstract: The Águeda School of Technology and Management – University of Aveiro (ESTGA-UA), in Portugal, implements since 2001 a Project-Based Learning (PBL) Model in its higher education study programs, where the key point is to stimulate students to solve real life problems in a multidisciplinary scenario. The Project-Based Learning Model implemented at ESTGA-UA explicitly intends that students acquire soft skills (teamwork, learn independently, leadership, communication skills, and entrepreneurial spirit), besides the ones specific to each study program. This model has been associated with the creation of some technology-mediated experiences capable of promoting the local and regional development. Several projects have already been implemented, namely in the area of the Web-based Geographic Information Systems (WebGIS). More recently, a new type of study programs has been introduced in the Portuguese higher education system – the vocational higher education technical study programs (shortcycle higher education). These study programs have a duration of two years and are classified as level 5 according to the European Qualifications Framework and the International Standard Classification of Education. They allow students to obtain/gather/acquire technical skills for a professional activity, respond to labor market needs and have a strong connection to the work context. Taking into account ESTGA-UA expertise and experience in applying PBL model to higher education study programs, one implemented an iPBL approach in the context of a vocational higher education technical study program – Programming of Information Systems. Thus, this article aims to present that approach which encompasses three different courses, discuss the strengths and difficulties of integrating courses of various knowledge areas, and propose future research trending lines. As a concluding remark one can highlight that both students and teaching team considered it was a newsworthy experience. Besides the real project client satisfaction, students showed to be motivated to continue the work, even after the end of the course, in order to put the developed application in production.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-84-697-3777-4
Appears in Collections:ESTGA - Capítulo de livro

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