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Title: Change in research and in higher education institutions
Author: Diogo, Sara
Jordão, Carina
Carvalho, Teresa
Himi, Hana
Ashkenazi, Maya
Mešková, Veronika
Thaler, Anita
Dahmen-Adkins, Jennifer
Keywords: Research performing/funding organisations
Gender equality
Knowledge-to-action gap
Structural and cultural challenges
Issue Date: 18-Jun-2021
Publisher: Ediciones Complutense
Abstract: Funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, the CHANGE project –Challenging Gender (In) Equality in Science and Research– aims to create and implement tailor-made gender equality plans (GEPs) in research performing organisations (RPOs). To make GEPs more sustainable, efforts are being made to stimulate institutional cultural change towards gender equal work environments and foster the gender dimension and inclusive research and innovation programmes in research funding organisations (RFOs) as well. The promotion of a gender equality culture is thus a key requirement for RPOs to maximise their potential. The CHANGE consortium is composed of seven institutions from six countries –Austria, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Israel– of which five are GEP implementing partners and two are experienced partners (one coordinator and one internal evaluator). Objectives and Methodology. This paper approaches the methodology of the project and the structural and cultural challenges faced by the implementing partners so far, looking more specifically to the similarities and differences in the different national and institutional contexts. Results and Discussion. In all the five implementing partners organisations, successful steps have been taken in the implementation of GEPs. Regardless of these first successes, even with increasing women’s representation in management and decisionmaking positions in some specific cases, implementing partners and coordinators fear that this change may be merely circumstantial or only due and during the project duration. Contribution. The challenges and barriers faced so far to stimulate institutional and cultural change towards gender equal work environments in RPOs are diverse. While there are important social, cultural, and institutional differences among the partner institutions, there is a great similarity in the difficulties faced in implementing GEPs. Resistances and challenges that emerge during processes of change when gender equality policies are implemented in RPOs are more transversal to different national and organisational contexts than one could expect.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.5209/infe.72054
ISSN: 2171-6080
Appears in Collections:CIPES - Artigos
DCSPT - Artigos
GOVCOPP - Artigos

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