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Title: The History and Prospects of Rabbit Sperm Sexing
Author: Pinto-Pinho, Patrícia
Ferreira, Ana F.
Pinto-Leite, Rosário
Fardilha, Margarida
Colaço, Bruno
Issue Date: 7-Aug-2023
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Sperm sex selection is a longstanding challenge in the field of animal reproduction. The cuniculture industry, in particular producers of males or females for breeding purposes, would greatly benefit from the pre-selection of the offspring's sex. This review article overviews the current and future developments in rabbit sperm sexing technologies, as well as the implications of implementing these methodologies in cuniculture. The first attempts of sperm sexing were performed in rabbits; however, a both efficient and cost-effective methodology was not yet developed for this species. Those included sperm sexing according to differences in sperm density, surface electric charge, pH susceptibility, antisera reaction, and flow cytometry. Separation by flow cytometry has proven to be efficient in rabbits, yielding fractions with approximately 81% and 86% purity for X- and Y-sperm, respectively. However, it is not cost-effective for cuniculture and decreases sperm quality. The advantages, limitations, and practical considerations of each method are presented, highlighting their applicability and efficiency. Furthermore, herein we explore the potential of immunological-based techniques that overcome some of the limitations of earlier methods, as well as recent advancements in sperm sexing technologies in other animal models, which could be applied to rabbits. Finally, the challenges associated with the development and widespread implementation of rabbit sperm sexing technologies are addressed. By understanding the advantages and limitations of existing and emerging methods, researchers can direct their efforts towards the most promising directions, ultimately contributing to a more efficient, profitable, and sustainable cuniculture.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/vetsci10080509
ISSN: 2306-7381
Appears in Collections:IBIMED - Artigos
DCM - Artigos

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