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Title: All you need to know about sperm RNAs
Author: Santiago, Joana
Silva, Joana V.
Howl, John
Santos, Manuel A. S.
Fardilha, Margarida
Keywords: Embryo development
Male infertility
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Abstract: Spermatogenesis generates a small and highly specialised type of cell that is apparently incapable of transcription and translation. For many years, this dogma was supported by the assumption that (i) the compact sperm nucleus, resulting from the substitution of histones by protamine during spermatogenesis, renders the genome inaccessible to the transcriptional machinery; and (ii) the loss of most organelles, including endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes, limits or prevents translational activity. Despite these observations, several types of coding and non-coding RNAs have been identified in human sperm. Their functional roles, particularly during fertilisation and embryonic development, are only now becoming apparent.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1093/humupd/dmab034
ISSN: 1355-4786
Appears in Collections:IBIMED - Artigos
DCM - Artigos

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