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Title: Comprehensive learning in mathematics: the contribution of the poly-universe tool
Author: Sousa, Luís
Santos, Vanda
Tavares, Dina
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: Research Information
Abstract: Learning with understanding is essential to enabling students to solve problems that they will inevitably face in the future. Students will be more successful, if they are engaged in thought-provoking activities that encourage them to grow in their mathematical understanding and identity. With this study we intended to understand how the application of exploratory tasks for teaching and learning mathematics in primary school, using the Poly-Universe tool, promotes a comprehensive learning of mathematics. We concluded that the activities involving the Poli-Universe, a tool to teach mathematics are motivating, as the students' interest and motivation during this study was notorious. The use of objects with such attractive characteristics, that appeal to visualisation, permitted the exploration of different figures and its characteristics and the comprehension of some geometric concepts. As well as positive interaction and collaboration of the students, the discussion and the development of their geometric reasoning were remarkable.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1564/tme_v30.3.5
ISSN: 1744-2710
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
HMG - Artigos

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