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Title: Accounting training in Portuguese public higher education: analysis of course units
Author: Alves, Aline A.
Guerra, Cecília
Costa, Alberto J.
Keywords: Competencies
Accounting training
Learning methodologies
Assessment methodologies
Digital resources
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: The training in didactics for higher education accounting teachers, as well as the possibilities that arise from this training, are some of the concerns of a PhD study in Education at the University of Aveiro. The aim of this paper is to present the first research phase of the aforementioned study, which aims at analyzing the state of the art of the training in Accounting offered by Portuguese public higher education institutions. Specifically, it aims to identify in the syllabuses of accounting courses: i) which competences are being covered; ii) which teaching, learning and assessment methodologies and which educational resources are being used. It is considered that this phase of research will assist in the collection of guidelines for designing, implementing and evaluating an accounting teacher training program. Preliminary results showed that training has privileged the development of technical competence, using methodologies based on theoreticalpractical classes, where theory is presented in a lecture by the teacher and practice is carried out through the resolution of cases and exercises. Accounting teachers tend to prioritize more traditional assessments, through assignments, tests, exams and examinations. Finally, digital resources are still scarcely mentioned in the syllabus.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.23919/CISTI58278.2023.10211384
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:ISCA-UA - Capítulo de livro
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