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Title: On SFBC schemes for enabling virtual array concept in monostatic ISAC scenarios
Author: Leyva, Leonardo
Costa, Samuel
Castanheira, Daniel
Silva, Adão
Gameiro, Atílio
Keywords: MIMO
Virtual array
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: The integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) paradigm is being proposed for 6G as a new feature of the physical layer (PHY), for tackling dual-functional applications, i.e., demanding radio-sensing and communication functions, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous driving systems. This work considers the integration of sensing and communications functionalities in a unique platform. To achieve this goal, the use of orthogonal space frequency block codes (SFBC) is proposed. SFBC code orthogonality enables both the separation of communications data streams at a user terminal and the estimation of target parameters. The SFBC enhances the communications link diversity without requiring channel state information knowledge at the transmitter and enable the virtual antenna array concept for enhancing the direction-finding resolution. The use of different SFBCs provides a tradeoff between achieved diversity and sensing resolution. For example, an Alamouti code, applicable for the case with two transmitting antennas, duplicates sensing resolution and achieves a diversity order of two while the use of a Tarokh code, applicable for a scenario with four transmitting antennas, provides a fourfold better resolution and diversity order of four. However, the code rate achieved with the Tarokh code is half of the one achieved with the Alamouti code. Furthermore, the unambiguous range is reduced since the bandwidth is divided to multiplex the different antenna signals. For its simplicity, good performance and reduced integration requirements, the method is promising for future ISAC systems.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/s22031103
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Appears in Collections:DETI - Artigos

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