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Title: Plate-like CDots/EuBDC nanocomposite for ratiometric luminescence thermometry
Author: Silva, Kleyton Ritomar Monteiro da
Calado, Claudia Manuela Santos
Santos, Thatiane Verı´ssimo dos
Sales, Tasso de Oliveira
Viana, Rodrigo da Silva
Silva, Uéslen Rocha
Ferreira, Rute A. S.
Carlos, Luís D.
Barbosa, Cintya D. A. E. S.
Issue Date: 18-Jul-2022
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Abstract: The synthesis of dual-emission nanocomposite materials has emerged as an excellent strategy for designing new and advanced luminescent ratiometric thermometers. In the present work, a dual-emission nanocomposite material based on carbon dots (CDots), with chitosan as the precursor, and Europium–Organic Framework (CDots/EuBDC) was prepared, through ultrasonic synthesis, and applied as a ratiometric thermometer. Whereas the as-synthesized nanocomposite maintains the crystalline structure of EuBDC, its thermal stability increases and the surface area decreases due to the CDots incorporation. The ratio of the CDots/EuBDC emission intensities (ICDots/IEu) is temperature-dependent in the 293 to 348 K range, in which the intensity of the Eu3+ 5D0 → 7F2 transition works as a reference signal. The CDots/EuBDC luminescent thermometer shows a maximum relative thermal sensitivity of 1.58% K−1 at 293 K and a colorimetric temperature response with (x, y) CIE color coordinates ranging from blue (0.36, 0.27), at 293 K, to orange (0.43, 0.30), at 343 K.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1039/d2tc01587k
ISSN: 2050-7526
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
DFis - Artigos

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