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Title: Value-based healthcare and radiology: how can value be measured?
Author: Nuno, Filipe Manuel Teixeira Ferreira
Gradim, Adriana Coutinho
da Costa Dias, Ana Alexandra
Polónia, Daniel Ferreira
Keywords: Value-based healthcare
Healthcare ecosystem
Issue Date: Dec-2022
Publisher: SAGE
Abstract: The concept of value-based healthcare (VBH) emerges as a response to traditional models of healthcare system management. More specifically, in radiology, the transition from volume to value has been discussed by its main associations, having as the main concern regarding the role of the specialty in a more integrated healthcare context. Through a qualitative study, this work aims to analyse and evaluate how this new concept can be implemented in radiology by identifying obstacles and mapping the technical and procedural improvements necessary for its correct implementation in the national context of healthcare provision. Through interviews with different elements of the healthcare sector (from doctors to industry partners and researchers), it was possible to draw a set of metrics for measuring the value of radiology, alongside the implementation of a VBH strategy. As the main conclusion, the implementation of a strategic agenda for the creation of value in radiology at the national level should be based on the reduction of variability and the identification of best practices in terms of adequacy, quality, safety and efficiency, aiming to satisfy the needs of requesting doctors and patients
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1177/09720634221128075
ISSN: 0972-0634
Appears in Collections:DEGEIT - Artigos
GOVCOPP - Artigos

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