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Title: The role of MicroRNAs in proteostasis decline and protein aggregation during brain and skeletal muscle aging
Author: Francisco, Stephany
Martinho, Vera
Ferreira, Margarida
Reis, Andreia
Moura, Gabriela
Soares, Ana Raquel
Santos Manuel A. S.
Keywords: Age-related protein aggregation
Mammalian tissue aging
Proteostasis network
Issue Date: 17-Mar-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Aging can be defined as the progressive deterioration of cellular, tissue, and organismal function over time. Alterations in protein homeostasis, also known as proteostasis, are a hallmark of aging that lead to proteome imbalances and protein aggregation, phenomena that also occur in age-related diseases. Among the various proteostasis regulators, microRNAs (miRNAs) have been reported to play important roles in the post-transcriptional control of genes involved in maintaining proteostasis during the lifespan in several organismal tissues. In this review, we consolidate recently published reports that demonstrate how miRNAs regulate fundamental proteostasis-related processes relevant to tissue aging, with emphasis on the two most studied tissues, brain tissue and skeletal muscle. We also explore an emerging perspective on the role of miRNA regulatory networks in age-related protein aggregation, a known hallmark of aging and age-related diseases, to elucidate potential miRNA candidates for anti-aging diagnostic and therapeutic targets.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/ijms23063232
ISSN: 1661-6596
Appears in Collections:IBIMED - Artigos
DCM - Artigos

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